Whether you’re heading to the sun, the sea, the mountains, or the city, here’s the ultimate list to ensure you don’t forget anything essential in your travel preparations. Because if there’s one thing to remember, it’s essential to refer to a travel packing checklist before each of your trips.
Filling a suitcase depends more on the destination and travel conditions than on the duration.
âžœ The duration of the trip will mainly determine the amount of clothing you need to pack, as the rest of your items (toiletry bag, electronic devices, pharmacy…) should not vary with the length of the stay. Moreover, if you have laundry facilities at your vacation spot and you’re not a fashion victim, you can travel for a week or six months with the same amount of clothes.
➜ Depending on the destination, certain items will be more or less essential (a first aid kit is essential in the depths of the jungle, whereas it will be unnecessary at a resort).
➜ Generally speaking, packing well depends on your equipment; having the right travel accessories will make it easier, save you time, and allow you to travel lighter!
What to pack in a suitcase for one week?
What to pack in your suitcase? For one, two, or three weeks
Remember to check that you have all your travel documents handy, either physically or on your smartphone:
1 – Your identification papers, passports, and important documents
Visa for abroad / ESTA for the USA
Driving license (international version if needed)
Health insurance card / European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
2 – Your means of payment
Ensure you don’t leave without your money:
Credit card(s) (preferably “VISA” for international travel)
Cash in euros and foreign currencies
Username and password for your online banking account
Consider using a secret travel pouch to keep your money and important documents safe.
3 – Your toiletry bag
Be mindful not to overpack, as it can weigh heavily. Choose a model with hooks and compartments, like this one, perfect for travel. Opt for small quantities and travel-size containers.
Essentials include:
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Facial and body moisturizers
Soap / shampoo / shower gel / hair styling products
Sunscreen and after-sun products
Shaving or hair removal products
Makeup and makeup remover
Microfiber towel to save space
Feminine hygiene products
4 – Your first aid kit
Important prescriptions
Health insurance card / EHIC for Europe / Blood type card / Vaccination record
Glasses / contact lenses / dental appliance
Basic kit (band-aids, thermometer, small scissors, tick tweezers…)
Antibacterials and wound care products
Dermatology, burns, insect bites
Pain relievers and fever reducers
Digestive aids, ENT (ear-nose-throat) products, motion sickness relief
5 – Your phone and “high-tech” accessories
Phone with charger
SIM card or eSIM for foreign travel (use promo code GLOBETROTTING for a 5% discount on Holafly)
USB cables for your electronic devices
3 or 4-port USB charger
Camera equipment
International adapter
USB external battery
Headphones or earphones
Laptop + charger and case
E-cigarette + refills

6 – Your travel sleeping accessories
Travel pillow
Sleep mask
Compression socks
7 – Entertainment essentials
Reading material (an e-reader saves space and weight!)
Notebook, pencils, deck of cards, etc.
Travel guide for your destination
8 – Your clothing!
Here’s a guideline for the amount of clothing to pack for a one-week trip. Adjust according to laundry facilities available at your destination:
For good organization, consider using clothing organizers.
8 pairs of underwear + 3 bras for women
8 pairs of socks (less for sandals vacations, more for rainy trips)
2 nightwear outfits
2 to 5 bottoms (pants, skirts, shorts, dresses, overalls…)
7 tops (t-shirts, tank tops, tunics, shirts…)
2 to 4 dressy outfits with matching shoes (ideally one pair)
1 to 2 sportswear outfits
1 scarf / sarong, always handy
1 pair of versatile shoes
9 – If you’re heading to sunny destinations
Sarong or swim skirt
Flip-flops / sandals
Beach towel (microfiber)
Beach dresses
10 – If you’re heading to cold destinations
Fleece or heavy sweaters
Slippers / evening sweater
11 – If you’re heading to rainy destinations
Rain jacket

12 – Don’t forget
Water bottle
Cooler bag (simple model)
Laundry bag
Pocket ashtray
What to pack in your suitcase for 2 weeks? or 3 weeks?
If you’re traveling for two or three weeks, simply follow the above list designed for one week and add more clothing. Of course, unless you’re heading into the wilderness, you’ll likely have the opportunity to do one or two loads of laundry even over two weeks, so the quantity of clothing logically shouldn’t vary too much.
As for me, I pack the same amount of clothing for a one-week trip as I would for a two-month journey when I need to travel light, I swear!
How to fit all this into your suitcase?
To ensure my luggage is as light, organized, and compact as possible, here are my tips:
➜ The number one tip is to use packing organizers, which help compartmentalize your belongings.
âžœ The second tip is to compress your clothing as much as possible, either by rolling them up or using travel compression bags, which are very handy if you’re packing bulky clothes.
➜ The third tip is to wear the bulkiest clothing items during travel (weather permitting, of course).
➜ Lastly, challenge yourself to only pack the essentials and do without the excess. Discover how to pack a suitcase efficiently.
Whether you’re embarking on a two-week adventure or extending it to three weeks, careful planning and efficient packing are key to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey. By following these guidelines and packing tips, you’ll be well-prepared for any destination, whether it’s the beach, mountains, city, or beyond. Remember to prioritize essentials, utilize packing organizers, and compress your clothing to maximize space in your suitcase. With these strategies in mind, you’re all set to travel light, stay organized, and make the most of your extended trip. Safe travels!